Religion School (Cheder)

This page was last updated on: Sunday, 09 September 2012

Rabbi Warren Elf is pleased to announce classes for the children will once again be weekly during term-time. David Sears (pictured right) has been appointed as Head Teacher and will assume responsibility for the school when Rabbi Elf is not present. 

Rabbi Elf and David, together with teachers, Pam Marks and Mark Bermon will co-ordinate the syllabus and teaching of all age groups so that the religious and educational experience for our children can go from strength to strength.

If you have any questions about the religion school please contact Rabbi Elf in the first instance via e-mail or on mobile telephone number 07879 - 454 292.

Please note the religion school is only offered to children of paying members. 


We aim to make the Hebrew classes as enjoyable as possible, so that the children can learn to enjoy the festivals, as well as develop a high standard of Hebrew reading to enable them to follow Synagogue Services and participate in communal activities.


For the children to develop a love of Judaism and a sense of Jewish identity it is important that they have fulfilling Jewish lives at home, supported with an understanding of Jewish heritage gained at Cheder.  We encourage the involvement of all the parents, by inviting them to participate in the Synagogue services and communal activities and to take an interest in the children’s education.


The Religion School is held every Sunday morning during term time, between 10.15am and 12.30pm. Please see our calendar for term times.


Cheder Resources Fund (formerly religion school fees). Please note the religion school is only offered to children of paying members. 


1st Child £30.00, 2nd Child £21.00 and 3rd and subsequent child £15.00 payable annually in September.


There are three main classes:


Kite Alef


For the very youngest and children aged up to 9 years. This class introduces Hebrew words, vocabulary and basic conversation using both creative activities and classroom instruction. Children are encouraged to draw pictures, write stories and produce dramatic events based upon the stories from Genesis, Jewish Festivals, Shabbat and significant Jewish symbols such as the Menorah, Mezuzah, Tallit, and Kippah. 


Kite Bet


For those aged 10-11 years. This class builds upon Hebrew instruction and looks more closely at the stories behind the Festivals and Torah, Specific holidays such as Chanukah, Pesach and Shavuot are examined for their historical, religious and agricultural significance. In addition, Life Cycle events such as Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Brit Milan, marriage, and death are examined in relation to Jewish culture and religious services. Key prayers in the service are discussed as to their significance in the service overall. 


Kite Gimel


For those of pre Bar/Bat Mitzvah age 12-13 years. In addition to honing Hebrew skills and initiating Hebrew study of one's Bar/Bat Mitzvah portion, the class will examine in depth, specific stories and key individuals in Jewish history including the Kings (Saul, David and Solomon), the Judges (Deborah, Gideon, Jephta and Samson) and Joshua. The group looks at current event issues in relation to History - such as the destruction of the Temple and Roman Jewry and current oppression of religious groups. A Jewish approach to ethics and morals on today's Issues Is also reinforced with students examining newspapers and dissecting current event stories with a Jewish point of view. Students research all aspects of Israel's history, the Zionist movement and the creation of the state of Israel and examine the Shoah and its relevance in today's commemoration through National Holocaust Memorial Day.





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